#1 Selling Legal Bud
 Green World  Bud looks amazing with huge sticky bright green buds of the HIGHEST QUALITY, tastes great, smells even better and produces an ultra-potent extremely satisfying smoke, to say the least.  Formulated with hydroponically grown legal herbs for maximum taste, flavor, smell, and smoker satisfaction!

Green World Bud smokers return to purchase this product 9 times out of 10 for a reason.  According to MANY returning customers, when it comes to herbal smokes and legal buds, this product is "The Total Bomb!" Super taste and potent smell with a smooth burning, very satisfying smoke that is kind to the soul! Our customers simply can't stop raving about this amazing 100% legal bud. Don't be fooled by cheap legal bud imitations this is another exclusive product of https://buykush6.webnode.com! ingredients include: poppy flowers,chesteya bud, hybrid strains of wild dagga buds, flowers, Leonurus

The Bluedream Kush's for you! Beautiful Bluedream Kush with hint of blueberry scent, filled with gorgeous red hairs make this new exotic herbal smoke one of our top choices for an "all bud" smoke! Bluedream Kush is composed of 100% legal exotic herbs, this bud produces one potent, sweet smelling, super relaxing smoke!   EXTREMELY SATISFYING and of the absolute HIGHEST QUALITY,  the smoke from this legal bud is sure to impress ANY herbal smoker

Jamaican Gold Bud™ - Yet another Legal Green world exclusive, Bright green buds of the absolute Highest Quality. Incredibly Fresh, Ultra potent smoke. This bud is composed of hybrid strains of Wild clip dagga, Leonurus sibiricus, Kanna, and Sinicuichi, all traditionally used for their EXTREMELY PLEASUREABLE SMOKE. This bud produces a smooth tasting, easy burning smoke, which is not only tasty, but EXTREMELY satisfying. No matter what type of smoking experience you are looking for, you will NOT be disappointed with Jamaican Gold Bud.

Maui Hybrid  tropical bud import features an incredibly potent smell and EXTREMELY SATISFYING SMOKE.  Maui Hybrid Bud is directly imported fresh from island of Maui for optimal potency.  A soft, multi-red haired, dense bud, with a wonderful sweet aroma which is so fresh it is actually a bit sticky to the touch.  This product smokes great in your favorite herbal smoking device or rolled with a cigarette paper.  It has a potent flavorful smoke, which provides a very relaxing smoking experience.  We recommend this product for anyone who is looking to enjoy an extremely pleasurable smoke of premium tropical herbal bud, one of the best in the world.

Dreamsmoke - The smoking blend you've been dreaming about! One of the most potent wild dagga enhanced blends ever sold on this site! Dreamsmoke is fortified and infused with 25% crushed pure oaxacon Dried wild dagga. Wild dagga is a legal herb discovered thousands of years ago and used historically by native americans for extreme smoking pleasure. This is the best wild dagga blend our customers were able to find ANYWHERE! Our herbalists have paired 25% wild dagga and scotch broom topps with damiana, and and Valarian, Kava Kava & more for an extremely pleasurable smoking experience.